Tag Archives: Coyote

We finally got power restored this afternoon. Four days is a long time to be out. But I'm glad to be back up and to share nature sightings with you today.

Jinx McCombs and Paul Nordstrand have a motion-detector camera set up at their Point Arena property. Look what they recently recorded. First, a Bobcat.

And a Coyote!

And a big Buck.

Thanks to Jinx for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

It's sunny and cool on the Mendonoma coast today, with some smoke from the Kincaid Fire in Sonoma County. The smoke is giving us eerie sunsets, just about perfect for Halloween tomorrow!

Peter Cracknell spotted this Coyote at the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands. We don't see many Coyotes on the coast.

One of my favorite photos of a Coyote was taken some years ago by Pepe Alvarez.

Thanks to Peter and Pepe for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

A healthy Coyote has been seen recently on The Sea Ranch. Joni Goshorn took this photo of the handsome animal in November.

Their scientific name is Canis latrans, which means barking dog in Latin.Their favorite food is small mammals. The Sea Ranch has plenty of gophers to feed the resident Bobcats and this Coyote.

Thanks to Joni for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Once in a while a Coyote will wander into the Mendonoma Coast. Patty McBratney saw this Coyote on The Sea Ranch.

Canis latrans is its Latin name, which means barking dog. I wonder what caught this Coyote's eye. Patty was struck by the red highlights of this canine's coat. Coyotes are extremely intelligent and can live in the wild to about ten years.

Thanks to  Patty for allowing me to share her photo wit you here.

The Coyote was on the west side of Highway One near Fort Ross State Historic Park. Deborah Heatherstone was there with her camera.

Can you see the Coyote in the photo below? The tall grasses make good camouflage for this Coyote. In the background you can see a few of the restored buildings from the Russian settlement at Fort Ross.

Thanks to Deborah for allowing me to share her photos with you here. To learn more at Fort Ross State Historic Park, here are several links: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/07/16/fort-ross-the-southern-most-russian-settlement-in-the-united-states/   and  http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/07/18/interiors-of-fort-ross-and-the-last-two-fruit-trees-planted-200-years-ago-by-russian-settlers/