Tag Archives: Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Patrick Killen caught the moment just before this Brown Pelican plunged into the Pacific Ocean.

Fish were milliseconds from being caught by this pelican. The force of the pelican's impact in the water actually stuns the fish and then the pelican simply scoops them up.

Adult Brown Pelicans are mostly silent. To hear the sound of a young one calling to be fed, here is the link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Brown_Pelican/sounds

Thanks to  Patrick for allowing me to share his great photo with you here.

It's practically impossible to tell an Allen's Hummingbird and a Rufous Hummingbird apart. Even experienced birders have  difficult time. Let's face it, they look the same to me! Ron LeValley suspects this is a Rufous, as they migrate through our area as this time of year.

If you look closely at Ron's photo, you will see a tiny spider on the hummer's beak. Great shot! Rufous Hummingbirds migrate north as far as Alaska and then return south in the fall - or in the case of the Mendonoma Coast, late summer - sometimes all the way to Central America. Quite a migration for such a tiny bird.

Rufous Hummingbirds are very feisty. Two have shown up in my garden in Anchor Bay. They are having aerial battles with the resident Anna's Hummingbirds. It's quite a show.

To hear the sound of this hummingbird, here's the link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/rufous_hummingbird/sounds

Thanks to Ron for allowing me to share his beautiful photo with you here. I can almost hear this hummer's wing beats. To see much more of Ron's photography, here's his website: http://www.levalleyphoto.com/home/

Pine Siskins are named for their love of seeds of Pine trees. They also are attracted to thistle feeders. Richard Kuehn recently photographed one near his home on The Sea Ranch coming for some water.

Pine Siskins are slightly smaller than American Goldfinches. They are year round residents of the Coast.
I love seeing these little birds at my thistle feeder. They seem to get along well with the Goldfinches that also feed there. And one enterprising Acorn Woodpecker has discovered the feeder as well, to the displeasure of the Siskins and Goldfinches.

To hear their call, here's the link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/pine_siskin/sounds

Thanks to Rich for allowing me to share his photo. To see a photo of a Pine Siskin that landed on George Anderson's finger, here is the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/11/09/a-pine-siskin-lands-on-george-andersons-finger/

American White Pelicans, big white birds with black on the undersides of their wings, were seen at Bodgea Bay. Carolyn André had her camera and took this photo.

I sent Carolyn's photo to Richard Kuehn and he wrote, “Those are indeed American White Pelicans in the center with Double-crested Cormorants in the front near the river. We’ve had quite a few Double-crested Cormorants on Gualala Point Island recently, as they leave their primarily inland breeding locales and come to the coast in the Fall and Winter. And if you look in the upper left of the pelicans, there are a fair number of Terns.”

White Pelicans breed inland and it's always nice to see the first groups return to the Coast. They eat mainly fish. They don't plunge dive from the air like the Brown Pelicans; they dip their heads under the water to scoop up fish.

To hear the call of a White Pelican, here's the link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/american_white_pelican/sounds

Thanks to Carolyn for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

A small flock of Western Sandpipers was seen at Cook's Beach recently, running along the surf line. Tom Eckles photographed the scene, which shows kelp on the beach.

Several years ago Tom saw Sandpipers at the same place, as you will see in the photo below, looking for tasty insects in the surf and sand.

There's something quite endearing about these birds - they make me smile when I see them. If you'd like to listen to their calls, here's the link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/western_sandpiper/sounds

Thanks to Tom for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Tom's photography, here is his website: www.tomeckles.com