The first photo shows a beautiful White-tailed Kite. The second photo...a tangled kite!

I love White-tailed Kites. Here is what the Cornell Lab of Ornithology writes about them: "Grasslands and savannas are great places to fly a kite and that's exactly where you will find the White-tailed Kite, flying as if it were attached to a kite string. With its body turned toward the wind and wings gently flapping, it hovers above the ground, a behavior that’s so distinctive it’s become known as kiting. From above it tips its head down to look for small mammals moving in the grass below. Its white underparts, gleaming white tail, and black shoulder patches are its other marks of distinction."
To hear the call of this kite, here is the link:
Thanks to Karen Wilkinson for two fun photos and for allowing me to share them with you here.
Today started off sunny, but clouds moved it. It's been drizzly today, with the bricks in our courtyard damp. More mushrooms are up - matsutakes and cocorra. King and Queen boletes, and yellow Chanterelles are also being found. I found several Zeller's Boletes today.