Tag Archives: Cedar Waxwing

I guess everyone drops something now and then. Rozanne Rapozo was watching and photographing this Cedar Waxwing feeding on a cotoneaster bush, stilled filled with ripe red berries. But this bird dropped a berry and Rozanne captured with her camera and talent.

We see the nonbreeders here this time of year. The best way to spot these birds - other than finding a bush full of fruit - is to listen for their calls. You can listen at this link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Cedar_Waxwing/sounds

Thanks to Rozanne for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

It was a beautiful, sunny day here this Friday. No rain in the forecast. The Mendonoma Coast is a great place to explore during this break in the rains.

I love Cedar Waxwings but I don't see them very often. Ron Bolander recently photographed one of these beauties.

Ron also found a White-tailed Kite resting on branches. Nice!

And a female American Kestrel in flight.

Thanks to Ron for allowing me to share his beautiful photos with you here.

The weather is sunny and mild today. The Pacific Ocean has calmed down after all the storms. Last night a friend and I witnessed a green flash at sunset. These dry days are so welcome after all the rain. Crews are working along Highway One today, clearing downed trees that were pushed to the side of the highway. Lots of heroes here on the Mendonoma Coast!

Gail Jackson (no relation!) photographed a lone Cedar Waxwing working on one of two apples still hanging from a tree. It's amazing that these two apples survived all the winter storms and are now providing food for this beautiful bird. Here I think the Waxwing is say, "That's my apple!"

The last of Gail's photos shows the magnificent coloring of this Cedar Waxwing.

Thanks to Gail for allowing me to share her photos with  you here.

Rick and I just got back from a benefit walk for Coastal Seniors' Meals on Wheels, a most worthy charity. It was at Gualala Point Regional Park and the weather was perfect. The waves were enormous, crashing onto the beach with the form reaching the bluff edges. A great day for a great event! To learn more about Coastal Seniors, or to get involved, here is their link: https://www.coastalseniors.org/


Robert Scarola photographed a Cedar Waxwing recently. This bird loves to eat berries and, when berries aren't available, it can be seen hunting insects, especially over water.

They leave our area and head north for the summer, north to Humboldt County and Canada, if they are breeding. To hear their call, here's a link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Cedar_Waxwing/id/ac

Thanks to Robert for allowing me to share his photo with you here.