Tag Archives: Cathleen Crosby

We had a second storm hit the Mendonoma Coast on Wednesday and we are thankful for this early rain. Following the storm were beautiful clouds and several rainbows. Thursday was an incredible day to be on the coast. Bettye Winters got these photos in the Irish Beach neighborhood.

clouds of autumn by Bettye Winters (Large) partial rainbow by Bettye Winters (Large) Thursday morn rainbow by Bettye Winters (Large)

The clouds cleared and Cathleen Crosby got this photo of Friday night's crescent moon.

Friday's crescent moon by Cathleen Crosby

There is always something beautiful to see here on the Mendonoma Coast!

Thanks to Bettye and Cathleen for allowing me to share their photos with you here.


Cathleen Crosby spotted this pair of California Walking Sticks, Timema.

California Walking Sticks, the smaller male gets a free ride by Cathleen Crosby

She commented, "Making little sticks." It does look like they might be mating. But I've learned that the smaller male spends much of his life hitching a ride on top the larger female. Doesn't seem quite fair, does it?

Here is a photo Cathleen took several years ago of a single CA Walking Stick.

California Walking Stick - Timema by Cathleen Crosby

These insects are only found in the far western United States. They feed on leaves or bark. In our area they might be found feeding on Ceanothus.

Thanks to Cathleen for allowing me to share her photos with you here.


On May 26th, a very strange looking vessel was seen. Rick wondered at first if it was an ice breaker because of its prow. We could see the boat's name was Oberon. Cathleen Crosby noticed it too. She was able to pull over along Highway One and get this photo.

The Oberon, a support ship for superyachts by Cathleen Crosby

We found out it is a support vessel for Super Yachts, a Sea Axe 5009 Oberon. You can see a smaller boat on the back. Apparently they carry supplies and extra crew for a luxury yacht. It's top speed is 28 knots, a very fast vessel indeed.

To learn more about this yacht, here's a link:  http://www.charterworld.com/news/sea-axe-5009-oberon-yacht-changes-the-superyacht-support-vessel-market

Thanks to Cathleen for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Cathleen Crosby has a family of Gray Foxes near her home in Gualala. What fun she will have in the days to come, watching three Fox Kits growing up. They are very playful with each other and the Fox parents are quite devoted to their welfare.

Two Fox Kits by Cathleen Crosby A Fox Kit by Cathleen Crosby

It will be wonderful to see more photos of these cute kits in the days to come. Here is a favorite photo of a Gray Fox mother, perhaps exhausted from nursing. She's relaxing in a birdbath. This photo was taken by Lynda Opperman.

A relaxed Gray Fox mom in birdbath by Lynda Opperman

Thanks to Cathleen and Lynda for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It's a wonderful time of year when the Gray Fox kits arrive. Cathleen Crosby is one lucky gal as she has a den near her home. The Gray Fox mother and father have provided her with some great photo ops. In this first photo the Fox was "talking" to her.

Gray Fox talk by Cathleen Crosby Gray Fox mother by Cathleen Crosby

Gray Foxes have a raspy barking call that is quite unique to them. The first time I heard their call, I grabbed my camera and hurried too fast down my garden steps. After I dusted myself off from the fall, I got to see my quarry - a beautiful Gray Fox.

Thanks to Cathleen for allowing me to share her photos with you here. I'll be sharing photos of the kits soon.