Tag Archives: Carolyn André

Carolyn Andre photographed  the sunset from her home on The Sea Ranch.

And look at Sunday's sunrise - it was glorious too. Roxanne Holmes took the photo on the left, and Rozanne Rapozo took the one on the right.

Thanks to Carolyn, Roxanne and Rozanne for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Today has been cool with some fog along the immediate coast. Sunshine this afternoon!

Autumn sunsets can be quite spectacular on the Mendonoma Coast. Carolyn Andre captured some of the magic with this beautiful sunset photo at The Sea Ranch.

Thanks to Carolyn for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Brrr, it's cold on the Coast today. Okay, not that cold, but cold for here! Rain is coming in later tomorrow so batten down the hatches.

Normally we have warm weather in October, but this year is different. A massive fog bank has been evident most recent days, sometimes extending up over the ridge. Phil Lewenthal photographed a rare fogbow, also called a white rainbow or mistbow. Phil took this photo and told me the fogbow then disappeared.

Carolyn Andre photographed the fog covering the Pacific Ocean along Highway One. Doesn't it look like whipped cream?

With the fog comes high humidity...and low fire danger, something for which we are grateful.

Thanks to Phil and Carolyn for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Yep, it's foggy today, temps in the low 60's. I can see that it is sunny this afternoon on the ridge. Micro climates!

KGUA has posted the interview on Sound Cloud at this link:


And the video is on YouTube at this link:


Today has been foggy all day, nice and cool! Carolyn Andre recently photographed fog droplets on one of her plants. Isn't it beautiful? Thanks to Carolyn for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

These treefrogs are quite small but the bright green color should give this one away. The Sierran Treefrog enjoys hiding under a decorative mushroom in Carolyn Andre's flowerpot.

Charles Mills went to clean out his hot tub and found one of these frogs inside. But this Sierran Treefrog had changed colors to match the color of the hot tub cover.

This beige-for-now treefrog had to find a new home! I imagine he/she will begin transforming into its green color.

Thanks to Carolyn and Charles for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Today, Tuesday, there is thick fog over the Pacific Ocean. But if you get away from the immediate coast, it's toasty warm and the wind picked up this afternoon.