Tag Archives: C’Anna Bergman-Hill

C'Anna Bergman-Hill was visiting relatives on January 9th. She and her husband, David, observed this beautiful double rainbow in between Point Arena and Anchor Bay.

A little later this was the sunset they witnessed. Just beautiful!

Clouds are filling the sky as the first storm in several weeks is approaching. We can use the rain. Seasonal creeks are running low and wild mushrooms have mostly been missing in action. It's time for some wet stuff!

Thanks to C'Anna for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

David and C'Anna Bergman-Hill were visiting relatives recently. They noticed a beautiful, vibrant rainbow just over the Point Arena Pintos.

 C'Anna took the photo below. The cliffs reflect the setting sun.

Jacqueline McAbery has taken on the endeavor of caring for the Pintos. A calendar is available showcasing these beautiful horses.

You can purchase this calendar at The Four-Eyed Frog Bookstore in Gualala or from Jacqueline's blog at: http://pointarenapintos.blogspot.com/

Thanks to C'Anna and David for allowing me to share their photos with you here. It's a magnificent day on the coast. Large swells are creating white water and it's the first day in a long while when it has warmed up. As I type this my sliding glass door is open and the temp is 65 degrees! We're singing a happy tune today on the Mendonoma Coast.

I know not everyone likes snakes but we share the Mendonoma Coast with several species. Peter Baye recently photographed this CA red-sided Garter Snake on the Mendocino Coast. Its Latin name sounds like a Harry Potter spell - Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis.

This snake is a good swimmer as you will see in C'Anna Bergman-Hill's photo below. It has the ability to eat Pacific Newts, which are poisonous to most other predators. It has toxin in its saliva that it uses to capture its prey, but this snake is considered harmless to humans.

Thanks to Peter and C'Anna for allowing me to share their photos here!


C'Anna Bergman-Hill recently visited the Stornetta Lands with her camera in tow. There is much to explore on this 1132 acre paradise, with 2 miles of oceanfront. I've previously posted a photo of the lovely waterfall that can be found there. C'Anna's photos will show you more of this beautiful spot on the Mendocino Coast.

                                              Here is an offshore rock with a tunnel.

A sink hole along the trail.
Gulls taking a bath at the top of the waterfall.
Thank to C'Anna for allowing me to share her photos!