Tag Archives: Callophrys dumetorum

Mary Sue Ittner was photographing the wildflower Sea Thrift when this lovely butterfly landed on a blossom. It's a Bramble Hairstreak Butterfly, Callophrys dumetorum. This small butterfly is only found in coastal California.

We don't see this butterfly very often so it's a treat to see Mary Sue's photo.

Thanks to Mary Sue for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's another hot day on the Mendonoma Coast but today isn't windy. A cool down starting tomorrow.


Kathleen Chasey recently photographed this beautiful butterfly called a Bramble Green Hairstreak, Callophrys dumetorum.


They are found only in coastal California, though there is a close relation found in coastal Oregon. Bramble Hairstreaks are on the wing from March through May.

Thanks to Kathleen for allowing me to share her photo with you here.