Tag Archives: California Dogface butterfly

We don't see these butterflies very often on the coast. Maybe they like it a little warmer! But Amy Ruegg found a California Dogface Butterfly recently feeding on native thistle!

Thanks to Amy for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Foggy this morning, sunny this afternoon - must be the coast!

Will Ericson had a rare sighting of a California Dogface Butterfly near Annapolis.

He wrote, “They had been hilltopping on the mountain and pollinating almost exclusively purple-colored flowers. I almost never see them.” Hilltopping, also spelled hill-topping, is a mate location behavior where the males fly up to the top of a hill to try an attract a female.

Thanks to Will for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's a lovely day today on the Mendonoma Coast.