Tag Archives: Buck

Jon Loveless spotted this handsome Buck resting in the sun after a rainstorm.

The big Buck looks pretty contented, doesn't he? In the west, only the prongs of one antler are counted. He will be shedding this big rack soon, and someone might be lucky and find it.

Thanks to Jon for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Tricia Schuless photographed this photogenic four-point Buck recently. He looks like he is posing for Tricia, or beginning to sing!

photogenic-four-point-buck-by-tricia-schuless four-point-buck-by-tricia-schulessThe rut of our Black-tailed Deer should be winding down. The mating season makes for dangerous driving when the Bucks chase Does across Highway One.

Thanks to Tricia for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Hal Fogel had this big Buck visit his property recently. What a healthy-looking Buck!

Buck by Hal FogelJim O'Brien was also visited by one. This one's rack appears to still be in velvet, the membrane that nourished the bone underneath.

Big Buck by Jim O'BrienAnd, finally, Paul Batchelder watched this Buck use his antlers to pull away the fencing designed to keep him out!

What fence, a Buck prevails by Paul BatchelderMales moving into our area means the rut, the mating of the Black-tailed Deer, will begin soon. It usually occurs in October, so we'll be watching to see if the rut is early this year. There are signs we could have an early winter, such as acorns already on the ground. To be determined!

Thanks to Hal, Jim, and Paul for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Every October big Bucks wander onto the Mendonoma Coast looking for Does. Sometimes Bucks will fight each other with their antlers over the females. The healthiest, strongest male prevails, thus ensuring his genes will be perpetuated. Robert Scarola watched a beautiful Buck herding his Does all day.

Looking for his Does by Robert Scarola

After tending to his harem, he was one tired Buck.

He's been chasing Does all day by Robert Scarola

It's not often you see a Buck take a rest break right in front of you, but that's what happened to Robert.

Thanks to Robert for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Nancy Padgett fancies that this Buck is taking its own photo, a selfie.

Deer Selfie by Nancy Padgett

That's a nice, healthy rack the Buck is sporting. Its antlers are in velvet, which is a membrane that nourishes the growing bone.

Thanks to Nancy for allowing me to share her fun photo with you here.