Tag Archives: Buck

Anne Mary Schaefer wrote, “It was a grey, drizzly day when, as I was walking on the path, a shaft of sunlight pierced the grey. I paused to follow the shaft of light to see the bushes and trees edged in golden sunset light, and caught my breath to see a Stag standing proudly perfectly illuminated.”

When Anne Mary got home and looked at her photo, she saw a second Buck. She wrote, “It was an amazing moment and light, with a hidden bonus. The light disappeared as they both bounded off, leaving me with a feeling of renewed wonder at such a magical moment at Manchester Beach campground.”

Thanks to Anne Mary for allowing me to share her photo with you here. Anne Mary is a talented pet photographer too. Here's her websiste: https://www.pawpawrazzipetphotography.com/

If you missed my posts over the past four days, it was because we had a long power outage at our house. I'm glad to be back up and running thanks to the hardworking PG&E repair people. We have had  LOT of rain, over 37 inches season to date. The waterfalls are magnificent now.

Cathleen Crosby looked out her window and found this Buck grazing. He lifted his head, with greens hanging out of his mouth, and perfectly posed for this photo.

His antlers nicely frame the suncatcher, don't they?!

Thanks to Cathleen for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Allen Vinson recently photographed this healthy-looking Buck. The rut of the Black-tailed Deer is over and this Buck can concentrate on feeding himself and, perhaps, resting.

This Buck is looking straight at the strange-looking two-legged creature taking his picture. hmm, I wonder what he's thinking...

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see more of Allen's photography, here is his website: https://allenvinson.smugmug.com/

A big Buck was out on the tide pools at The Sea Ranch. John Harmon wrote, “Jill and I happened across a security person while walking the bluff near the Marine Preserve between Post 14 and 15. She was looking at this Buck.

“As the tide was turning to come in, and because we had planned to go tide pool gazing, we ventured down to the rocks to circle around and flush him back up to the bluff. He was having none of it. Several others tried in vain. We continued on our walk and returned to find the Buck now laying down with a growing entourage of onlookers. We don’t know how this tale ended.”

John wondered if the Buck might be eating Kelp, but I learned Kelp is not nutritious for Black-tailed Deer. It’s a mystery why the Buck was out there, but he wasn’t in danger from the incoming tide. Deer are very good swimmers.

Thanks to John for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

We are getting some much needed rain today.

The mating season of the Black-tailed Deer is called the rut. And this is the time the Bucks are here to claim their Does. And the Does aren't always crazy about the idea, running away in all directions. This time of year sees many Deer hit by cars as the females run in unpredictable ways.It would be a good idea to drive a little slower now.

Claire Feury found a Buck outside her kitchen window recently. He looks to be "talking" to her.

Thanks to Claire for allowing me to share her photo with you here.