Tag Archives: Buck

A week or so ago David Lichtman noticed this Buck swimming up the Gualala River. This photo is a still from the video David took.

You can see David's video here: IMG_1277

In David's video, you can sense the purposefulness of this Buck. Maybe he's looking for a particular Doe! It is the mating season of the Black-tailed Deer.

Thanks to David for allowing me to share his photo and video with you here.

I thought you might enjoy seeing a photo compilation that Allen Francis put together from my Sightings presentation last Sunday at Gualala Arts. It was great fun to be able to share such wonderful Nature photos and tell the stories about the photos.

A beautiful cool day here on the Mendonoma Coast. We have some rain coming in late tomorrow! I'm wondering when the first mushrooms might appear...


It's good to have water for wildlife. Adrian Bennett has a birdbath that subs as a drinking fountain for Deer, in this case, a big Buck.

This is the time of year for the mating season - the rut - of the Black-tailed Mule Deer. They are bound to get thirsty chasing the Does around!

Thanks to Adrian for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's still quite warm when you are a little ways away from the Pacific Ocean. 85 degrees here this afternoon, down from a high of 97 yesterday. Further cooling is forecast with the possibility of some wet stuff late Friday into early Saturday. I hope so!

Robert Goldberg photographed this Buck with a nice big rack recently. The Buck was looking at Robert through the window of his Sea Ranch home.

You will see the Buck's antlers are in velvet. Velvet is the soft membrane that nourishes the growing bones underneath. If you could touch it, you'd find it is hot!

Thanks to Robert for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's cooler today - temps in the 70's at Rick's and my place, and no wind. Very lovely.

Every year the Bucks lose their antlers and begin the process of growing them back again, a little bigger each time if their nutrition is good. Jim Hennessy photographed this handsome buck with his antlers in velvet.

Velvet is the membrane that nourishes the growing bones underneath. If you could touch it, you'd find it hot! Or so I've read.

Thanks to Jim for allowing me to share his photo with  you here.

It was cloudy, warm and quite humid this morning. Then the fog rolled in for a spell. And this afternoon has turned sunny. A wait-five-minutes kind of day! Update: storm clouds flowed into the area and it rained overnight. We received .30 inches, so from the two small storms this week we got .65 inches of the blessed wet stuff.

We finally got power restored this afternoon. Four days is a long time to be out. But I'm glad to be back up and to share nature sightings with you today.

Jinx McCombs and Paul Nordstrand have a motion-detector camera set up at their Point Arena property. Look what they recently recorded. First, a Bobcat.

And a Coyote!

And a big Buck.

Thanks to Jinx for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

It's sunny and cool on the Mendonoma coast today, with some smoke from the Kincaid Fire in Sonoma County. The smoke is giving us eerie sunsets, just about perfect for Halloween tomorrow!