Tag Archives: Bowling Ball Beach

Rozann and George Grunig were driving home on Highway One recently. They decided to pull over and watch the sunset at Bowling Ball Beach. The sun reflected nicely off the iconic "bowling balls."

Sunset at Bowling Ball Beach by Rozann Grunig


It is wise to take time to appreciate the beautiful public access spots here on the Mendonoma Coast!
Thanks to Rozann for allowing me to share her photo with you here. To see much more of Rozann's photography, here is her website: www.Highway1Designs.com

John Sperry recently visited Bowling Ball Beach. At low tide the "bowling balls" are revealed. John photographed some that are waiting their date with gravity.

Here's what the beginning of a low tide reveals at this beach as photographed by John.

Bowling Ball Beach is adjacent to Schooner Gulch State Beach. The pathway down to Bowling Ball is closed due to erosion but I know some agile hikers have taken it. If you take the path to Schooner Gulch State Beach at low tide you can usually walk over to Bowling Ball. Here's a link to learn more about these two magnificent beaches: http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=446

Thanks to John for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

When there is a minus low tide, you'll be amazed at what you can see. There was a 2.0 minus tide over the Memorial Day weekend and Jane Evans headed for Bowling Ball Beach.

These rocks are covered with water most of the time. It's a treat to see them exposed.
Below is a photo of this beach that Joni Goshorn took from the bluffs. This is a great place to beachcomb as treasures from the sea catch in the rocks.

Thanks to Jane and Joni for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Carolyn André recently drove north and photographed the bluffs and wildflowers near Schooner Gulch Beach and Bowling Ball Beach, which are in Mendocino County.

Even though the lack of rain shortened the wildflower bloom, there still were a lot of spectacular wildflowers to be seen.

Thanks to Carolyn for allowing me to share her photos with you here. To learn more about these beaches, here is the link to state parks: http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=446  These beaches are fantastic for beach combing at low tide.