Tag Archives: Bower Park

Usually we see rainbows in the morning hours, but now and then conditions are perfect for an afternoon rainbow. Dan Lewis headed for Bower Park, which is on the Gualala Ridge. He photographed this rainbow looking east, over the pond.

Thanks to Dan for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's sunny this afternoon, but dark clouds are starting to make their way into the picture. Rain is predicted for tonight, tomorrow, the day after...and...yes, it's going to rain for a while! My season to date rain total is 54.36 inches. I consider 50 inches a nice wet winter, so we're doing great rainfall-wise.

Craig Tooley has been at Bower Park on the Gualala Ridge photographing Dragonflies and a Damselfly. Bower Park has a large pond/lake that the Dragonflies love. Here is an Eight-spotted Skimmer.

They are hard to photograph - well, at least for me! I went there last week and tried for some nice photos but had no luck. I did get this photo of some interesting clouds.

And here is the lake.

With warm weather in the forecast, a visit to Bower Park will certainly bring you sightings of dragonflies. Here's a fun fact about dragonflies: They have four wings that can operate independently of each other. As you might imagine, they are excellent fliers. They can fly up, down, sideways, backwards, and they can even hover like a helicopter.

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photo with you here. I will be sharing more of his photos soon! To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is his website: www.ruffimage.com

Dorise Ford enjoys daily walks at Bower Park. The duck pond is full to the brim from all the rains. This is what Dorise saw recently:

A beautiful day at Bower Park by Dorise Ford

Dorise wrote that she wished she could paint this lovely scene.

Bower Park is on the ridge in Gualala on Old Stage Road. To learn more about this park, here is the link: http://www.co.mendocino.ca.us/gs/parks/bower.htm

Thanks to Dorise for allowing me to share her photo with you here.