Tag Archives: Bobcat

Jon Loveless saw this Bobcat moving through the grasses. Luckily he had his camera handy.

Bobcat moving through the grasses by Jon LovelessBobcats are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast, and they are great rodent hunters. Each Bobcat's coat is unique, just like our fingerprints.

Thanks to Jon for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Allen Vinson got lucky when this Bobcat strolled by, nicely accented by a Douglas Iris in bloom.

A Bobcat on the prowl by Allen Vinson

Then the Bobcat looked at Allen and he got this photo of its face. You can clearly see the tufted ears.

Close-up of a beautiful Bobcat by Allen Vinson

Bobcats are seen year round in grassy meadows here on the Mendonoma Coast.

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see more of Allen's nature photography, here is the link: http://allenvinson.smugmug.com/

Mark Simkins watched as a Doe with her yearling were being stalked by a Bobcat. The Doe was protecting her young one and chased the Bobcat off.

A stand-off between a Doe and a Bobcat by Mark Simkins

Here the Bobcat looks back at the mother deer.Bobcat looks back at the Doe by Mark SimkinsThe cat with the tufted ears must be thinking, "She's way too mean. I better look for a fat gopher for my meal."

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Jon Loveless caught this Bobcat obviously soaking up some rays.

A Bobcat enjoying the sun by Jon Loveless

Bobcats can be seen in grassy meadows where they hunt for gophers. They are often seen in the daylight here on the Mendonoma Coast.

Thanks to Jon for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

John Batchelder had this beautiful, healthy Bobcat pose for him recently.


Bobcats have been hunted for their beautiful pelts. I'm glad to say that is no longer legal in California.

Thanks to John for allowing me to share his photo with you here. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate this holiday!