Tag Archives: Bobcat

Marlana Woods was in her Pacific Woods Glass office by the Ocean Ridge Airport in Gualala when this Bobcat wandered in and took a look around.

bobcat-in-my-office-by-marlana-woods bobcat-by-marlana-woodsIn the second photo, the Bobcat looks to be a little concerned with Marlana and her camera! This is pretty unusual behavior by this Bobcat. Fortunately it soon left, but Marlana was left with a very nice sighting.

Thanks to Marlana for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Eddie Mikus recently spotted a beautiful Bobcat strolling through a meadow.

Bobcat by Eddie MikusI've learned the each bobcat has unique markings on its coat, just like our fingerprints are unique to each of us.

Bocats are also good climbers. For evidence, I submit Judy Mello's photo of a bobcat climbing a very tall fence at the B. Bryan Preserve in Point Arena.

Bobcat climbing the Giraffe fence by Judy MelloBobcats are often seen in the daylight here on the Mendonoma coast.

Thanks to Eddie and Judy for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Peter Cracknell spotted this beautiful Bobcat recently.

Bobcat by Peter Cracknell

Peter edited the photo using Color Splash for his iPad. It shows the cat with the tufted ears in color, but the rest of the photo is in black and white, an interesting composition.

Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Jon Loveless saw this Bobcat moving through the grasses. Luckily he had his camera handy.

Bobcat moving through the grasses by Jon LovelessBobcats are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast, and they are great rodent hunters. Each Bobcat's coat is unique, just like our fingerprints.

Thanks to Jon for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Allen Vinson got lucky when this Bobcat strolled by, nicely accented by a Douglas Iris in bloom.

A Bobcat on the prowl by Allen Vinson

Then the Bobcat looked at Allen and he got this photo of its face. You can clearly see the tufted ears.

Close-up of a beautiful Bobcat by Allen Vinson

Bobcats are seen year round in grassy meadows here on the Mendonoma Coast.

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see more of Allen's nature photography, here is the link: http://allenvinson.smugmug.com/