Tag Archives: Bobcat

This Bobcat was on the trail of a tasty rodent. David McFarland took a series of four photos. The Bobcat is hunting, then pouncing, then stretching out in the air - something I haven't seen before - and then the Bobcat misses.

bobcat-hunting-by-david-mcfarlandbobcat-pouncing-by-david-mcfarlandbobcat-stretched-out-by-david-mcfarlandbobcat-missed-by-david-mcfarlandThese photos were taken at some distance, but I thought they were interesting and worth sharing.

Here are two of my favorite Bobcat photos. The first was taken by Allen Vinson and shows the intent stare of the cat with the tufted ears. The second is a rare photo of a Bobcat kitten, taken by Mark Simkins.

the-stare-of-a-bobcat-by-allen-vinson bobcat-kitten-exploring-by-mark-simkinsThanks to David, Allen and Mark for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

This Bobcat was very well camouflaged in the tall grasses but Peter Cracknell still noticed it.camouflaged-bobcat-by-peter-cracknell camouflaged-bobcat-2-by-peter-cracknell In the second photo, the Bobcat has its eyes nearly closed. The sun must feel good!

It's much cooler on the coast today. Fog is hugging the immediate coastline, bringing a welcome coolness after the heat wave.

Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photo with you here.


Marlana Woods was in her Pacific Woods Glass office by the Ocean Ridge Airport in Gualala when this Bobcat wandered in and took a look around.

bobcat-in-my-office-by-marlana-woods bobcat-by-marlana-woodsIn the second photo, the Bobcat looks to be a little concerned with Marlana and her camera! This is pretty unusual behavior by this Bobcat. Fortunately it soon left, but Marlana was left with a very nice sighting.

Thanks to Marlana for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Eddie Mikus recently spotted a beautiful Bobcat strolling through a meadow.

Bobcat by Eddie MikusI've learned the each bobcat has unique markings on its coat, just like our fingerprints are unique to each of us.

Bocats are also good climbers. For evidence, I submit Judy Mello's photo of a bobcat climbing a very tall fence at the B. Bryan Preserve in Point Arena.

Bobcat climbing the Giraffe fence by Judy MelloBobcats are often seen in the daylight here on the Mendonoma coast.

Thanks to Eddie and Judy for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Peter Cracknell spotted this beautiful Bobcat recently.

Bobcat by Peter Cracknell

Peter edited the photo using Color Splash for his iPad. It shows the cat with the tufted ears in color, but the rest of the photo is in black and white, an interesting composition.

Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photo with you here.