Tag Archives: Bobcat

Allen Vinson spotted this handsome bobcat recently, strolling through the grasses.

The bobcat is looking right at Allen! This looks like a big bobcat. I think it's interesting to know that the markings on each bobcat's coat is unique to itself, just like our fingerprints are to us.

Here's a photo Allen took some years ago, a favorite of mine. You can see the tufted ears quite clearly in this photo, and a douglas iris in the background.

Bobcats can be seen fairly often hunting for gophers and other tasty rodents in meadows on the Mendonoma coast.

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see more of Allen's nature photography, here is his website: http://allenvinson.smugmug.com/

Tom White captured a photo of a beautiful Bobcat. We think he/she is a young one, not fully grown.

Notice the marking on the bobcat's legs - they are quite distinctive. In fact, every bobcat's coat is unique to itself, just like our fingerprints are to us.

Thanks to Tom for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Thankfully, it cooled off some today. 104 degrees yesterday seems insane for the Mendonoma coast, but that was our high. Mid 80's today.

This Bobcat was taking a break from hunting for gophers when Rachel Turner spotted it in front of her house. The cat with the "bobbed" tail and tufted ears appears to be looking right at Rachel.

Bobcats are year round residents of the coast. They are often seen in the daylight hours, especially early mornings. They hunt for many different animals, but here they seem to eat a lot of gophers.

Thanks to Rachel for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Drew Fagan noticed this Bobcat hunting, and he took four photos showing the hunt and the hunt's result - a Gopher, which seems to be Bobcats favorite meal on the coast.

Drew took one of my all-time favorite Bobcat photos. In fact he allowed me to share it in my book, Mendonoma Sightings Throughout the Year. Drew caught a Bobcat mid-leap, an amazing photo.

Thanks to Drew for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see Drew's artwork at Drew Fagan Fine Art, here is his website: http://drewfagan.com/

Clay Yale noticed this Bobcat staking out an area of Clay's  yard. Bobcats hunt rodents, and they seem to especially enjoy Gophers. When I look at Clay's photo, though, I wonder it this Bobcat is enjoying some sun.

bobcat-by-clay-yaleOne of my favorite photos of a Bobcat pouncing was taken by Drew Fagan. This photo of Drew's appears in my book, Mendonoma Sightings Throughout the Year. I call it a "once in a lifetime" photo. Drew was working in his studio - he's a renowned artist - when he saw the Bobcat. When Drew trained his camera on the Bobcat, the Bobcat pounced.

bobcat-leaping-by-drew-fagan-mediumThanks to Clay and Drew for allowing me to share their photos with you here. To see Drew Fagan's artwork, here is his website: http://drewfagan.com/