Tag Archives: Bobcat

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David Presotto watched this Bobcat hunting unsuccessfully for a Gopher. First comes the leap.

And then the Bobcat pounces in the Gopher hole...but to no avail.

The Bobcat looks longingly at the Gopher hole, perhaps saying, "Anybody home?"

Bobcats were thought to be nocturnal, but they are often seen in the daylight hours here on the Mendonoma Coast. Fun Fact: The markings of each Bobcat are unique, just as our fingerprints are unique.

Thanks to David for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

We are having another spectacular, sunny, warm day. It's great that we can enjoy this break because we've had so much early rain.



Eric Zetterholm noticed this Bobcat sitting in a meadow at The Sea Ranch.

Suddenly the Bobcat rose up and began staring at Gopher holes. Eric watched the cat with the tufted ears try to get a tasty rodent, but this time the Bobcat was unsuccessful. Just look at the intensity in the Bobcat's face!


Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Saturday is a spectacular day, warm with no wind. Last night, watching with friends, we saw a beautiful green flash at sunset. There is blessed rain in our forecast!

Monica Martinez regularly sees this Bobcat hunting gophers and voles in a Sea Ranch meadow. On this day the Bobcat snoozed under a bush, and then was disturbed by a few Deer.

Monica also photographed the cat with the tufted ears walking down her driveway.

It's pretty wonderful that Monica can look out her window and see a Bobcat, a Bobcat living lightly on the land.

Thanks to Monica for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

We received .50 inches of rain yesterday here in Anchor Bay. September rain is so very welcome. 2.10 inches season to date. May it keep on coming! Today is breezy and beautiful, with everything washed clean.


Mark Simkins and Kitty Wolfe have sightings of a Bobcat near their Manchester area home now and then.  Last week this Bobcat emerged from the foliage and sat in the sun for a bit.

Here is a photo of a Bobcat kitten Mark took a few years ago. Just look at those big paws!

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

oh, it's a beautiful day on the Mendonoma Coast. The fog has pulled back over the ocean, and it's sunny, calm and mild. Wildflowers are beautiful now.

Bill Mabie found this Bobcat near Irish Beach, and he got a wonderful photo of the cat with the bobbed tail.

The markings on every Bobcat are unique to itself, like our fingerprints.

Thanks to Bill for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Foggy right along the coast, and bright sunshine at our house, which is a 1/2 mile from the ocean. The Mendonoma Coast has many microclimates. The temperature hit 72 degrees today, not very winter-like!