Tag Archives: Bobcat


Mel Smith saw this Bobcat near his home in Point Arena. He took the photo with his phone through a spotting scope.

Bobcats are often seen in the daylight hours here on the Mendonoma Coast. They are supposed to be nocturnal but perhaps they have evolved. I receive many sightings of Bobcats during the day.

Thanks to Mel for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's a beautiful autumn day here, mid-sixties, with no wind. We've had 1.60 inches of rain so far. Mushroomers are wondering if this is enough rain to get the boletus edulis, the porcini, going in the days ahead, but that's an unknown at this point.

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Nancy Gastonguay photographed this Bobcat and then wondered if perhaps she had photographed a Lynx.

Lynx aren’t found here. They are forest-dwelling cats in northern latitudes such as Montana, Maine and Minnesota, where deep snow and spruce/fir forest are common. Bobcats and Lynx are in the same genus. Here is an interesting graph showing the differences between the two.

I've never seen a Lynx, but I have seen Bobcats here on the Mendonoma Coast. The best places to see them are meadows as they hunt for rodents.

Thanks to Nancy for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's a beautiful calm day here on the coast today - just loverly.

Bill Mabie and Denise Mendoza had a fun sighting. Bill wrote, “A few days ago Denise and I were looking out the window and wow, we see a Bobcat!  Awesome!!

It barely moves and a Deer arrives. There is a conflict with the beefy cat and the Deer. The Deer then stomps at the ground and scares off the Bobcat!”

Interesting to know that a Bobcat can be chased off by a Deer.

Thanks to Bill for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

We had sprinkles overnight, but today has been bright and sunny. The surf is high, though, so if you are at the ocean, be careful of sneaker waves.


Bobcats are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast. Several weeks ago, Gail Jackson spotted this healthy-looking Bobcat at Manchester State Park.

The markings on a Bobcat's coat is unique to itself, similar to our fingerprints!

Thanks to Gail for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

The fog is gone and- yes! - the Pacific Ocean is still there. We hadn't seen it for a while with the heavy fog. There are high clouds and the temps are nice, in the high 60s. It's a beautiful day here today.

Bobcats, the cat with the tufted ears and short, bobbed tails can sometimes be seen in grassy meadows. Mike Reinhart spotted one looking at him through the grasses at the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands.

Fun Fact: the markings on a Bobcat's coat are unique to itself, just like our fingerprints!

Thanks to Mike for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

The weather is...well...it's perfect! Yesterday Humpback Whales were seen. There are quite a few Humpbacks off the Mendonoma Coast right now. By the beginning of November they will be migrating southward and we won't likely see them until next summer. Get to a bluff near  you!