Tag Archives: Bobcat

It's pretty wonderful to share the Mendonoma Coast with Bobcats. Mother Nature's rodent hunters, they can be seen hunting gophers and other rodents in meadows. One has been spotted in the Iversen Lane area, north of Gualala. Gary Humfeld recently spotted it and captured several photographs. One is posted on the Independent Coast Observer's web site under "On-line features, Mendonoma Sightings" at this link: www.mendonoma.com. The other photo I am happy to share with you here.

You can see the Bobcat's unique tufted ears. Thanks to Gary for allowing me to share his photo with  you here.

To see a dramatic photo of a Bobcat caught in a mid-air leap, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/06/09/bobcat-caught-in-mid-air-by-drew-fagan-in-gualala/

The fog rolled in overnight, cooling us off. With the low tides and calm ocean this morning, abalone divers descended upon the Coast in great numbers. Vehicles were parked at many key access points up an down the Coast. Hope they had a good dive!


We share the Mendonoma Coast with Bobcats. These cats with tufted ears and bobbed tails can be seen hunting gophers and other rodents in meadows. It's always a treat to see them, a touch of the wild brought to you courtesy of Tom Osborne. I thank Tom for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Rozann Grunig has the magic - Bobcat magic! She had this beauty saunter across the front of her property and turn around and look back at her, as if posing. Rozann got several great photos. I thank her for sharing this one with us here.

Bobcats have great hearing and vision and a good sense of smell. They usually avoid water but will swim if they have to. Climbing is where they excel. The gray in Rozann's photo is a road on The Sea Ranch!


Jim Garlock photographed a Bobcat recently. He entitled it "You looking at me?"

We are lucky to have these fascinating creatures living wild on the Mendonoma Coast. They are great rodent hunters so those plagued with Gophers are always happy to see one pay them a visit.

To see a dramatic photo of a Bobcat leaping, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/06/09/bobcat-caught-in-mid-air-by-drew-fagan-in-gualala/

And to see a Bobcat walking a labyrinth on the Gualala Ridge, here's that link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/04/21/bobcat-walking-a-labyrinth-an-amazing-sight-on-the-gualala-ridge/

Being on the Coast today is like being in a dream. A high pressure system is pushing a big storm up into Oregon and Washington (sorry, Steve!), leaving us with a lovely spring-like day.


Craig Tooley saw this young Bobcat in a stand-off with a Buck. The Bobcat seemed to be calling the Buck's bluff and that's the moment Craig captured this photograph. But the Bobcat's bravado was in vain. All it took was one step forward by the Buck and the Bobcat thought better of the situation. It quickly disappeared into the brush. Sometimes retreat is the best option!

Craig has five other photos posted of this Bobcat on his web site. Here is the link: http://ruffimage.smugmug.com/Nature/bobcat/20081541_L39Gkt#1583984126_2H4nQFD

And to see Drew Fagan's photo of a leaping Bobcat, click here: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/06/09/bobcat-caught-in-mid-air-by-drew-fagan-in-gualala/

And to see a Bobcat walking a labyrinth photographed by Emily Nelson, click here: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/04/21/bobcat-walking-a-labyrinth-an-amazing-sight-on-the-gualala-ridge/