Tag Archives: Bobcat

Bobcats are thriving on the Mendonoma Coast. Their favorite meal - gophers - are abundant in meadows. One particularly handsome Bobcat has been spotted in the Iversen Road area, which is north of Anchor Bay. Jeff and Pearl Watts have been fortunate to spot this Bobcat several times. In the photo below you can clearly see this cat's tufted ears.

Thanks to Jeff for allowing me to share his beautiful photos with you here.

Mark was watching this Bobcat hunting Gophers at his place in Manchester. The Bobcat was so intent that it ignored Mark and his camera.

 And you will see below, the Bobcat was successful.

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

To see a photo of a Bobcat leaping through the air, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/06/09/bobcat-caught-in-mid-air-by-drew-fagan-in-gualala/

Thom Matson recently spotted a big, beautiful Bobcat outside his house on The Sea Ranch. It appeared to be hunting for a gopher or some other rodent.

You can see the fog hanging over the Pacific Ocean. Yes, we've been having very foggy mornings this week.  The dark masses on the ocean are some patches of the abundant summer-time kelp just offshore.

Below is one of my favorite photos of a close-up of a Bobcat, taken by Siegfried Matull.

Thanks to Thom and Siegfried for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Endlessly fascinating, Bobcats are seen hunting rodents in grassy meadows. It is wonderful that a wild creature such as a Bobcat is free to coexist with us. Rick Wilson photographed one on The Sea Ranch.

Thanks to Rick for sharing his photo with us. To see another great Bobcat photo, this one by Drew Fagan, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/06/09/bobcat-caught-in-mid-air-by-drew-fagan-in-gualala/ He photographed the Bobcat leaping in mid-air.

Open meadows are where it is possible to have a Bobcat sighting. Andy Moore had his camera ready when a Bobcat was spotted hunting on The Sea Ranch.

Andy's photo shows the tufted ears of this Bobcat and its wonderful markings. This Bobcat looks very healthy indeed. Thanks to Andy for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Check out Andy's great web site at: http://www.andystreasuretrove.com/