Tag Archives: Bobcat

We've had quite a year so far for Bobcat sightings. They seem to be thriving on the Mendonoma Coast. Jinx McCombs photographed one recently.

And  here's a rear view look of the Bobcat.

That's a nice meadow, probably filled with tasty Gophers. This Bobcat found a good spot for its dinner.

Thanks to Jinx for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Ken Bailey was on The Sea Ranch when he spotted this young Bobcat. You can clearly see its tufted ears in Ken's photos. Lynx rufus is its Latin name. They can be seen in the daylight hunting rodents in grassy meadows.

I have it on good authority the The Sea Ranch has a plethora of Gophers and other rodents. That is why several healthy Bobcats are thriving there and living lightly on the land.

Thanks to Ken for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see more of Ken's photography, here's the link to his website: http://www.seadreams.org/  He has taken some fantastic underwater photos and you can see them via this link.

Jim Garlock was traveling north when he spotted this Bobcat with what looks like a gopher in its mouth.

Bobcats are Mother Nature's rodent hunters. Thanks to Jim for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

To see a very popular Bobcat photo on my blog, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/04/19/a-beautiful-bobcat-as-photographed-by-tom-osborne/

It's raining hard this afternoon, welcome news after the dry weather we've been having.

Mark Simkins had a healthy-looking Bobcat visit his yard in Manchester. It settled down in the sun and lounged there for over ten minutes.

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see an unusual photo of a Bobcat walking a labyrinth on the Gualala Ridge, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/04/21/bobcat-walking-a-labyrinth-an-amazing-sight-on-the-gualala-ridge/

Mark Simkins was working in his office when he picked up on something moving outside. There was a beautiful Bobcat, just looking at him.

That is one healthy-looking, contented Bobcat. Mark said the cat stretched out and lounged for about fifteen minutes while Mark's camera was put to good use. Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

You can see Mark's other photo of this Bobcat on the Independent Coast Observer's web site at: mendonoma.com. Click on "Mendonoma Sightings."