Tag Archives: Bobcat

Adrian Bennett has several bird feeders and bird baths in her yard at The Sea Ranch and she attracts many different kinds of birds. Deer often wander through but seeing a Bobcat under a feeder was something unique. Here the Bobcat peers around a bird bath.

 And below the Bobcat sits under Adrian's thistle feeder, while an American Goldfinch waits for the cat with the tufted ears and bobbed tail to leave.

 Here the Bobcat checks out a soft ball hanging from a birdhouse. And beyond is the beautiful blue Pacific Ocean.

Thanks to Adrian for allowing me to share her photos with you here. The wildlife on the Mendonoma Coast is amazing!

Nancy Jewhurst was visiting the Mendonoma Coast recently and she captured a beautiful photo of a Bobcat, which she saw on The Sea Ranch.

Grassy meadows are where Bobcats hunt for their favorite food - gophers!

Thanks to Nancy for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Bobcats are suppose to be nocturnal. But on the Mendonoma Coast they hunt in bright daylight, as shown by Michael Kreyling's recent photograph.

Michael photographed the cat with the bobbed tail and tufted ears in the middle of the day. Perhaps Bobcats have evolved to be out in the daylight hours here on the Mendonoma Coast.
Thanks to Michael for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Mark and Kitty Simkins have a resident Bobcat that gives them multiple chances for sightings of the cat with the tufted ears and bobbed tail. Here are two recent photos. Mark titled the first one "Bobcat looking at me."

 And below the Bobcat has found a nice fat gopher for dinner.

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Sometimes a Bobcat will settle down and just enjoy enjoy the soft grasses. That's what happened outside Patty McBratney's house.

 And Patty caught this Bobcat in a big yawn. Now that's a unique photo for you today!

Thanks to Patty for allowing me to share her photos with you here.