Tag Archives: Bobcat

Jinx McCombs and Paul Nordstrand have a stone jaguar on their land near Point Arena. A Bobcat sauntered up and then froze, looking at the statue.

Thursday Bobcat by Jinx McCombs

The Bobcat then slunk carefully past the statue.

Timid Bobcat passes by stone Jaguar by Jinx McCombs

Thanks to Jinx for allowing me to share her fun photos with you here.

Bobcats are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast. Mark Simkins and Kitty Wolfe have meadows near their Manchester home,  which gives them a great chance to see Bobcats.

April Bobcat by Mark Simkins (Large)

You can see gopher holes in Mark and Kitty's meadow and gophers are Bobcats favorite meal. You can clearly see the tufted ears of this Bobcat.

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photo with you here. Now if Mark can just get me a photo of Bobcat kittens!

Bobcats are being seen more frequently the past couple of weeks. It appears the mothers are hunting for "real" food for their kittens. Janet Burch recently photographed one on The Sea Ranch.

You can see the Bobcat is looking right at Janet and her camera. This cat with the tufted ears and bobbed tail is a year round resident of the Mendonoma Coast. Look for them in grassy meadows hunting for their favorite food - gophers!

Thanks to Janet for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

This Bobcat is quite camouflaged but Patricia Rangel managed to see it. This cat with the bobbed tail and tufted ears was spotted on the east side of Highway One on The Sea Ranch.

Here the Bobcat obviously heard something - maybe a tasty gopher?

Thanks to Patricia for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

To see a fun photo of a Bobcat in a standoff with a Buck, here's the link to Craig Tooley's photo: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/11/25/young-bobcat-photographed-by-coastal-photographer-craig-tooley/

We never can get enough of good Bobcat photos. Bobcats are thriving on the Mendonoma Coast. Here they hunt in the daytime, giving photographers a chance to get a wonderful wildlife photo. Jane Larrow did just that.

And here the Bobcat turned to look back at Jane.

Bobcats are about twice the size of a house cat. They have tufted ears and bobbed tails. Gophers are among their favorite snacks.

Thanks to Jane for allowing me to share her photo with you here.