Tag Archives: Bobcat

Niki Ward almost missed seeing this Bobcat, as it blended with the wooden fence so well. But she did notice it as she passed by. They gazed at each other for a few moments, and then Niki got this photo.

Bobcat by Niki Ward

Here on the Mendonoma Coast Bobcats are often seen in the daylight. They are great Gopher hunters, and can be seen in meadows going after a rodent meal.

Thanks to Niki for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Allen Vinson looked out his Sea Ranch home and saw a Bobcat on its back with its feet in the air, obviously scratching its back. The Bobcat then stood up and stared right at Allen!

The stare of a Bobcat by Allen Vinson

The cat with the tufted ears and bobbed tail actually took a few strides towards Allen. But it veered off and went its own way, leaving Allen in peace.

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Mark Simkins recently sent in two photos taken in the Manchester area. The first is a Bobcat hunting in front of his house.

A Bobcat hunts by Mark Simkins

The second photo is of a Buck at dawn.
A Buck at dawn by Mark Simkins

We have a lot of beautiful Bucks here right now as this is the time of the rut, their mating season.

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

It is said Bobcats are nocturnal but they are often seen in the daylight here on the Coast. Siegfried Matull recently photographed a Bobcat on the hunt, with one paw up in the air. Looks like the cat with the tufted ears and bobbed tail has found a tasty rodent.

Bobcat with a vole by Siegfried Matull

And the Bobcat was successful, nabbing a Vole.

Bobcat catches a Vole by Siegfried Matull

Here is one of my favorite Bobcat photos, also taken by Siegfried.

Bobcat Face by Siegfried Matull

Bobcats are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast and they bring a touch of wild nature into our lives.

Thanks to Siegfried for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

It is wonderful to see a Bobcat saunter by your back deck. That's just what happened to Thom Matson at his home on The Sea Ranch.

A confident Bobcat by Thom Matson

You can clearly see its tufted ears and short, bobbed tail. Below is another photo of the Bobcat, walking across a meadow with the Pacific Ocean as a backdrop.

Bobcat on a Sea Ranch meadow by Thom Matson

Bobcats love gophers and The Sea Ranch meadows have plenty of them!
Thanks to Thom for allowing me to share his photos with you here.