Tag Archives: Bobcat has green eyes


Shouqin Huo was welcomed to the coast by visits from a Bobcat. Shouqin wrote, “We recently became part-time residents of Irish Beach. During our last stay, we noticed almost daily a Bobcat hunting for gophers in the grass area between our neighbors’ houses. I would like to share a couple of photos.”

I was amazed at the Bobcat’s beautiful eyes, a light green or hazel. I learned Bobcat kits under four weeks old have bright blue eyes, which then change to green or hazel.

Thanks to Shouqin for allowing me to share these photos with you here.

Rain yesterday (0.15 inches), brilliant sunshine today, Sunday. Lots of folks at Art in the Redwoods at the Gualala Arts Center today. If you didn't make it this weekend, stop by to see the fabulous art displayed throughout the Arts Center. And check out the Best Mendonoma Sightings winner, a beautiful photo of a Great Egret by Paul Brewer!