Tag Archives: Black Point Beach

And X-rated sighting for you today! Craig Tooley took a lovely photo of a pair of Western Gulls mating on Black Point Island. This rocky island sits just offshore of the southern edge of The Sea Ranch. Western Gulls nest there. I will post a photo of the island in the days to come. You can see this tiny island for yourself by going on the Black Point Beach public access trail of The Sea Ranch. Once you reach the bluffs and see the beautiful beach, look for a trail that winds off to the left. That will lead to the island. Approach it quietly - it is a place of beauty and serenity.

Here is the link to Craig's web site to see more of his photos:


Yesterday was the annual Soroptimists Architectural House Tour. It's always held the Saturday before Mother's Day and a lovely day it was. Rick and I always enjoy touring the houses. One of the houses was at the end of Black Point Beach. We walked out on the bluff behind the house and I took these two pictures of the fabulous views and wildflowers. Wildflowers are peaking now - they are breathtaking!