Tag Archives: Black Point Beach

Allen Vinson timed it just right to catch the morning sunbeams at Black Point Beach on The Sea Ranch.

An award winning (or should be) photo!

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's sunny, breezy and mild on the Mendonoma Coast today - feels like Autumn!

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I never take seeing a rainbow for granted. They bring delight every time. Irene and Rolf Fandrey photographed this one in Anchor Bay with a Common Raven flying by.

This one was photographed by Christopher Arnold off of Black Point Beach, Sea Ranch.

Thanks to the Fandreys and Christopher for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Today, after a pretty darn big rainstorm, we have sunny, mild weather. More rain for tomorrow. Bring it on, Mother Nature!



A few weeks ago there was a nice minus-tide in the early morning hours. Bill and his wife, Lonna, headed for Black Point Beach, a spectacular beach at The Sea Ranch. They found the usually inaccessible north end accessible for a short while. What they found were Sea Stars, hundreds and hundreds of healthy Stars.

And look at all those mussels!

Thanks to Bill for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

There is fog over the ocean again today looking like whipped cream, but we are above the fog line at our place in Anchor Bay. It's cooler today, which I'll take any day over the inland heat!


Paul Kozal is an amazing photographer. He enjoys photographing the night sky and recently took this photo of the Milky Way, shining bright over Black Point Beach on The Sea Ranch.

The flowers in the foreground are non-native ice plant. They are quite beautiful in bloom in the spring and summer.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his beautiful photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is the link to his website: http://www.paulkozal.com/

Sunny and warm today, with breezes to keep it from being too warm!

Spring doesn't know...


Mike Petrich was at Black Point Beach on The Sea Ranch on Sunday. Bottlenose Dolphins had been spotted and a few people were called to photograph them. Keeping at least six feet from others, Mike got a very interesting photo with a surfer catching a wave, and three of these dolphins underneath him!

I wonder if the surfer saw the dolphins. What a fun photo!

Bottlenose Dolphins are expanding their territory northward, and we are seeing them more often. I think these dolphins were the original surfers, and they sure seem to enjoy surfing the waves.

Thanks to Mike for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Brisk, sunny with clouds, with rain coming in later tonight. We need it, we welcome it!