Tag Archives: big waves

Robert Scarola recently photographed the action off of The Sea Ranch.
King Tide and Waves from Storm by Robert ScarolaJPG

You can almost hear the crash of the waves by looking at Robert's photo.

Janet Burch was also out photographing the big swells.

Magnificent waves by Janet Tervo

Note that the waves are crashing bluff high - amazing!

Thanks to Robert and Janet for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Warnings of high surf and sleeper waves went out today for the coast. Rick and I, along with our golden Sunny, headed to Hearn Gulch to see what the blowhole was doing. And, wow, was it ever active!

The blowhole at Hearn Gulch by Jeanne Jackson 007

The beach was nearly covered with the white water. It was very exhilarating to be standing on the bluffs!

Rain is due in tonight, for which we are always grateful.



It's the kind of day to step back from the bluffs, as big waves are hitting the Mendonoma Coast. Richard Hansen is fortunate to live where he can view Castle Rock, one of our many offshore rocks. This is what he photographed this morning.

Surf's up by Richard Hansen

You can see the mist from the crashing waves is drifting through the air. We have no fog today and it's downright warm.

Thanks to Richard for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

High surf advisory is what we've been hearing lately. Waves have been pounding the Mendonoma Coast. It's awesome to see the power of the Pacific Ocean. Carolyn André recently photographed the big waves off of The Sea Ranch.

When mist rises from the top of waves we call them rooster tails.

Here's a particularly good rooster tail.

And the waves continue their relentless pounding of the bluffs on The Sea Ranch.

With the February rains, the bluffs have greened up, a very welcome sight after our dry January.

What a wild day on the beautiful Mendonoma Coast! Thanks to Carolyn for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Yesterday on a trip down the Coast, Rick and I were amazed at the size of the waves. We have had heavy surf for some days now. John Sperry photographed the waves at Gerstle Cove at Salt Point State Park.

And Rozann Grunig photographed waves off of The Sea Ranch. You can feel the power of the Pacific Ocean just by looking at her photo.

And the photo below shows a big wave hitting Gualala Point Island, which is just off the north end of The Sea Ranch.

Thanks to John and Rozann for allowing me to share their photos with you here. To see much more of Rozann's nature photography, here is the link to her website: http://highway1designs.com/