Tag Archives: big waves

Bob Rutemoeller photographed some of the huge surf off the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands on December 26th. I was amazed to see the arches so inundated with water and foam.

Here is what they usually look like. This photo was taken by Laura Cover in a calmer moment.

Bob also photographed several big waves coming in. The Pacific Ocean was LOUD that day!

Thanks to Bob and Laura for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It's sunny today, and it looks like there are no clouds on the horizon. If so, there may be a green flash at sunset today!

With a big storm coming in for the first day of February, the last day of January cried out for a walk on the bluffs. That's exactly what Rick and I did, along with our golden retriever, Duffy. Watching from the bluffs, the waves crashing on the beach at Gualala Point Regional Park were amazing to behold.

The ocean will give you clues a storm is on the way. Here is a video of today's action.

Big waves ahead of Friday's storm by Jeanne Jackson

Gualala Point Regional Park is a coastal treasure. Residents and visitors alike enjoy exploring all it has to offer. To learn more, here is a link to the park: http://parks.sonomacounty.ca.gov/Visit/Gualala-Point-Regional-Park/

Nik Epanchin photographed some of the beautiful waves we got as the last storm approached the Mendonoma coast.

When the waves are this huge, the sound of them crashing against sand or bluffs resonates all the way to the ridge, over a mile away.

Today we have mixed clouds and sun, but it is cold - cold for us, I should say. 51 degrees was the high temperature. I know, we are cold-weather wimps. I should let you know that the temperatures are forecast to rise, and by Sunday it could be close to 70 degrees! Mushrooms will be popping.

Thanks to Nik for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Tom Eckles was at Gualala Point Regional Park when he saw this beautiful scene.

We had high surf warnings, bringing big waves. The island in the middle is Gualala Point Island, an important rookery for seabirds.

The surf was high enough to flow over the sandbar and into the Gualala River. That, combined with last week's rain, has really filled up the lagoon. Kayaking this weekend could be epic! Our local kayak company is Adventure Rents. http://www.adventurerents.com/

Thanks to Tom for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Tom's photography, you can view them here: https://www.flickr.com/people/eckles/

Oh, we had a wild storm last week on Thursday. It was windy and pouring rain. In advance of the storm, the surf was huge. Pam Ryan photographed some of it.

I live a half mile away from the Pacific Ocean, but I could still hear - and feel - the booming waves. Today is it breezy and clear as can be.

Thanks to Pam for allowing me to share her photos with you here.