Tag Archives: Beth Petit

Eric Zetterholm noticed the larger Great Egret and the much smaller Snowy Egret perched on the same snag in the Gualala River. It's a rare sighting to see these two egrets perched together.

Other than their size, the way to tell them apart is Great Egrets have yellow beaks and black feet. Snowy Egrets have black beaks with bright yellow feet!

Here's a close-up of a Great Egret taken by Rozann Grunig.

And here's a photo of a Snowy Egret in flight by Beth Petit, showing those yellow feet.

Thanks to Eric, Rozann and Beth for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Fog over the Pacific Ocean is keeping the Mendonoma coast nice and cool today!


Irene Leidner took this photo from an airplane above Manchester Beach. Isn't it lovely?


Manchester Beach is huge - there are five miles of shoreline. It is in Manchester State Park and you can learn more about it at this website: http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=437.

Here is another photo of the waves at Manchester Beach, taken by Beth Petit. This is a place where you might find something washed up on the beach from halfway around the world.

Waves at Manchester Beach by Beth Petit

Thanks to Irene and Beth for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

A juvenile Bald Eagle was spotted in Point Arena and this one is banded with the number 92. Beth Petit wrote, “On Tuesday, Mike Weaver, the caretaker at the Loran Station, called Jeff and me to help identify a large bird there, a juvenile Bald Eagle. With the help of Doug Forsell, local biologist, we were able to get more information from Maria Dominquez at the Institute for Wildlife Studies.”

Liberty, a tagged juvenile Bald Eagle by Jeff Petit Liberty, a juv. Bald Eagle by Jeff Petit

Maria responded that this bird is a male hatched on Santa Cruz Island of the California Channel Islands. It fledged in July. He was named “Liberty” by one of their members. His parents have been nesting there since 2005.

Jeff Petit took these photos and I thank him for allowing me to share them with you here.


We had a male and female Bald Eagle at the Gualala River for several weeks. They have been spotted elsewhere. Jerry Anon photographed them at Anchor Bay Beach.

And Beth and Jeff Petit saw one at the mouth of the Garcia River.

We hope they built a nest somewhere here on the Mendonoma Coast. It has been quite exciting to see these majestic birds. I hope to have new sightings of these eagles soon!

Thanks to Jerry, Beth and Jeff for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Beth and Jeff Petit had a juvenile Anna's Hummingbird show up at their feeder recently. While I'm still seeing male Anna's displaying for his ladylove and have seen signs of nest building, this youngster's parents obviously got an early start.

Richard Kuehn took a look at the photo for me and he wrote, "It is indeed a downy juvenile. There are multiple downy feathers on this young Anna's hummingbird likely hatched in early to mid-March, I'd guess."

And here's a fun photo from a while ago where an adult Anna's landed on Beth's head!

Thanks to Beth for allowing me to share her photo with you here.