Tag Archives: berries

Cathleen Crosby photographed a CA Coffeeberry bush with berries in various stages of ripeness.

california-coffeeberries-by-cathleen-crosbyWhen I researched these berries on Wikipedia, I read they were used for making jam and such, and the bean inside the berry could be used to make a coffee-like drink. This prompted a discussion with botanist Peter Baye as to whether the bean inside the berry could be used as a coffee substitute. Peter wrote, “It’s medicinal, not a coffee substitute! Woe unto the drinker.” Peter sent me information that the Kashaya Pomo used the bark, or a small number of berries, as a laxative. The bark and berries were also used as an emetic, to counteract poisoning.

So we'll leave these beautiful berries alone. Some birds do eat them, with apparently no harmful side affects!

Thanks to Cathleen for allowing me to share her photo with you here.


Robert Scarola photographed a Cedar Waxwing recently. This bird loves to eat berries and, when berries aren't available, it can be seen hunting insects, especially over water.

They leave our area and head north for the summer, north to Humboldt County and Canada, if they are breeding. To hear their call, here's a link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Cedar_Waxwing/id/ac

Thanks to Robert for allowing me to share his photo with you here.