Tag Archives: before and after photos

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Another river of rain event hit California and while much of the brunt of the storm was to our south, we still received a lot of rain. Here is a look at the Gualala River on Wednesday March 8, before the river of rain event. Kind of peaceful looking, wouldn't you agree?

The river is emptying by a horizontal channel, something is does occasionally but not often. There is a huge snag caught on the sandbar. A friend told me it looked like a big teeter-totter.

Thursday a big storm hit, bringing copious rain to the watershed of the Gualala River. On Friday afternoon I took these two photos of the raging river.

Much of the sandbar is underwater and I'm betting some of it has been washed away. That big snag is still on the sandbar though. We'll see if it remains or if it is finally swept to sea.

We have more rain headed our way beginning tonight. Monday especially is forecast to be heavy rain with another river of rain event. What a winter!