Tag Archives: beautiful waterfall


A beautiful seasonal waterfall comes to life with enough rain at Stengel Beach on The Sea Ranch. Allen Vinson took this photo from the staircase that leads to the beach on February 8th.

Stengel Beach Waterfall by Allen Vinson

Since then we've had no rain and this waterfall is greatly diminished. But we do have rain in our forecast, thank goodness. Bring on the rain, Mother Nature!

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photo with you here. Allen has a showing of his work at Spindrift Gallery in the Cypress Center in Gualala. It will be up until March 7th. Don't miss it!


I have been wanting to hike the Salal Trail but couldn't find where it was on The Sea Ranch. On Friday a friend took Rick and me there. It is so very beautiful and it has a fantastic waterfall, which is running strong from our recent rains.

Tomorrow I will show you a few more photos and give you directions on how to access this wonderful trail.