Tag Archives: beautiful sunset

Yesterday's sunrise, before the clouds moved in, was quite lovely. Tricia Schuster recently photographed a beautiful sunset.

Truly, a sunset to instill feelings of thankfulness and gratefulness. As tomorrow in the United States is Thanksgiving, I felt it was the perfect time to share Tricia's beautiful photo with you.

Thanks to Tricia for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Rain, and more rain! We received over 2.14 inches of rain from the first big storm, and we are having some brief downpours today. Can edible mushrooms be in our immediate future?

Amy Ruegg photographed a recent sunset at Pebble Beach, on The Sea Ranch.

Amy also found Oyster mushrooms.

And Scott Mercer found a King Bolete, boletus edulis, in his yard.

I heard that Catherine Miller found her first King Bolete this morning, along with the first Yellow Chanterelle. A combination of some rain (.14 inches at our place early Friday morning, and some heavy fog earlier in the week, seem to have prompted the first bloom of choice, edible mushrooms. Hooray!

Thanks to Amy and Scott for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

The ground is damp, the sun is out and the temps this afternoon are in the high sixties. Perfect!

Several coast photographers captured the beauty of the October 12 sunset, but I thought I'd share Margaret Lindgren's, which was taken at the Noyo River.

Isn't lovely to see the sunset reflected in the river?

Thanks to Margaret for allowing me to share her photo with you here. Margaret leads hiking tours here on the Mendonoma Coast. You can find out much more at her website: http://www.unbeatenpathtours.com/index.html

The fog returned this morning, and it really cooled things down.

Beautiful sunsets delight the senses. The colors are set off by the Pacific Ocean. Paul Brewer photographed this sunset a few weeks ago.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is the link: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/

One last small storm this afternoon/evening and then the weather is predicted to be sunny and warmer. Sounds like a good week to be on the Mendonoma coast!

Cooks Beach has become a favorite spot for locals and visitors. It's a fairly new public access spot, and we do love it! Many enjoy watching the sunset there, either from the bluff or down on the beach. Dede Plaisted recently captured this beautiful sight.

To learn more about this pocket beach, here is the website for the Redwood Coast Land Conservancy: http://www.rc-lc.org/Cooks-Beach.html

Thanks to Dede for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's cold and clear on the Mendonoma coast today.