Tag Archives: beautiful sunset

Autumn sunsets can be quite spectacular on the Mendonoma Coast. Carolyn Andre captured some of the magic with this beautiful sunset photo at The Sea Ranch.

Thanks to Carolyn for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Brrr, it's cold on the Coast today. Okay, not that cold, but cold for here! Rain is coming in later tomorrow so batten down the hatches.

Clouds overhead but clear on the horizon is a wonderful recipe for a striking sunset. That's what we witnessed on Friday night. I took these photos from the deck of our place in Anchor Bay.

In the last photo, the golden photo, you can see a faint sun pillar. My visiting friend, Shelly, and I almost couldn't believe what we were seeing!

It's sunny and windy here on the Mendonoma Coast today, temps in the high 60's.

It's a Mendonoma Coast tradition to watch the sunset. Dan Laux recently photographed this beautiful sight from behind Surf Supermarket in Gualala. That's the Gualala River in the foreground, bathed in pinks and purples.

Sometimes you can hardly believe your eyes when you see the magnificence of a coast sunset!

Thanks to Dan for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's sunny, mild and windy today. The ocean is a sea of whitecaps this afternoon. There are probably Gray Whales swimming northward today but it's nearly impossible to make out their blows against the turbulent ocean. We are waiting for the first mother/calf Gray Whale sighting. It could be soon!

Eric Duff was at Cooks Beach when he photographed this beautiful sunset.

Cooks Beach is just north of the town of Gualala. You can learn more about this wonderful pocket beach at the Redwood Coast Land Conservancy's website at this link: https://www.rclc.org/what-we-do/cooks-beach/ I'm such a fan of RCLC.

Deborah Vanderwoude noticed this unusual cloud recently and said she thought it looked like a bird, which I can see. I also thought it looked like an angel if you looked at it another way.

Thanks to Eric and Deborah for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

We are having a spectacular warm day on the Mendonoma Coast today.

Many could hardly believe their eyes - the sunset was that spectacular. Allen Vinson photographed the splendor.

You can see the Pacific Ocean was pretty in purple from the reflection of the sunset. Sweet!

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

We received .30 inch of rain last night and the season to date is now 35.60 inches. Sweet! Today started off sunny. I took a walk with a friend on the Gualala Bluff Trail in the late morning and we were toasty warm from the sun and lack of wind. But then a cold fog swept in from the ocean, dropping the temps and cooling us right back off.