Tag Archives: beautiful sunset

They are like finding a jewel in the forest - Mother Nature's treasure hunt. Rick and I were driving down our driveway early this morning when I saw it, a beautiful King Bolete or Boletus edulis. We had walked down the same driveway yesterday but it wasn't up then. The life force in wild mushrooms must be very strong indeed!

Warm weather is blessing the Mendonoma Coast this weekend and last night the horizon was clear, perfect conditions for the green flash. And there was a small one but once again I missed the shot. I promise to keep trying. Here's how the sunset looked. Beautiful!

Here is a link to a photo of the green flash by Frank Vaskelis:

Rick and I try and watch the sunset every night. We had hopes for a green flash last night but we were stuck with a lovely sunset instead. Let's face it - it always pays to watch a sunset!

And a few minutes after the sun has set.
And this morning's sunrise looked like a watercolor painting with the nearly full moon in the sky.

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The fog hugged the immediate coast late yesterday but when we came home just before sunset, we were above the fog. The way the fog swirled up the canyons made it look like we were living in a dream. Here are two photos of last night's sunset.

Today the fog has gone and sunshine abounds. We might be talking about a green flash tonight!