Tag Archives: beautiful sunset


With the clear weather we've been experiencing on the Mendonoma Coast, the sunsets have been awe-inspiring. Debra Mundt recently captured a lovely photo with sunbeams streaming through the clouds and I thank her for allowing me to share it with you.

We had also had Gray Whale sightings from my spotter on The Sea Ranch, Adrian Bennett. A Gray Whale was seen on Friday, the 9th and two on Saturday the 10th, all headed south, presumably to warmer waters.

There are two varieties of Hedgehog mushrooms that grow on our property and I love to eat both of them! The first Bellybutton Hedgehog, Hydnum umbilicatum, is up but needs some time to grow. Also spotted were several Sweet Tooth Hedgehogs, Hydnum repandum. I have never spotted Hedgehogs this early.

I thought I had a chance to photograph the green flash last night but no luck. There is a good reason people call it the "elusive green flash!" The sunset was beautiful, though, all yellows and oranges with the dark Pacific Ocean underneath.

To see a photo of the green flash posted earlier on this blog, click here: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/04/28/the-green-flash-its-not-a-myth/

A cold storm is hitting the Mendonoma Coast this afternoon. We have our wood stove cranked up. Before the storm arrived, the ocean looked like corduroy. The sunset Thursday night was quite beautiful with the sun painting a stairway of gold across the Pacific Ocean.

To see a beautiful sunset at Gualala Point Regional Park, here is the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/08/01/beautiful-sunset-at-gualala-point-regional-park/  And here's another spectacular sunset, this time at the Point Arena Lighthouse - http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/07/22/beautiful-sunset-at-the-point-arena-lighthouse/

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Coccoras, Amanita calyptroderma, are delighting our senses with their beauty in the forest. Their nickname is Creamy Tops. Here is a photo I took this morning at our property in Anchor Bay.

To see some Coccora eggs that appeared a few weeks ago, click on this link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/10/26/coccora-mushrooms-just-peeking-up-through-the-duff-on-the-forest-floor-in-anchor-bay/

Last night's sunset shows a few remaining storm clouds. I love the way the sunlight is etched on the clouds.

Sunday's sunset, Oct. 23rd, was so beautiful that nearly everyone on the coast has been talking about it. Gary Klein took these pictures from Irish Beach and has kindly allowed me to share them here.

Oh, beautiful, for spacious skies...

You can see another photo of that sunset, which was taken by Ron LeValley a little further north, by clicking on this link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/10/24/a-spectacular-sunset-photo-by-coastal-photographer-ron-levalley/