Tag Archives: beautiful sunset


Some sunsets are over in a few minutes and some last a good long while, unfolding before our delighted eyes. The latter was the case last night as the sunset evolved for what seemed like forever. Red and oranges transformed into blue and purples - it was simply magnificent.

The first photo was taken at 5:30 pm, just after the sun had set.

 And the next at 5:44 pm

 And look what happened at 5:53 pm - even the Pacific Ocean appears to be purple!

It's a privilege to watch a Mendonoma Coast sunset.

Wendy Bailey was driving up Highway One when she pulled over to watch and photograph the sunset. She was at Stillwater Cove, hoping for a green flash. She didn't get a green flash but she did capture this lovely sunset.

There is a Sonoma County park at Stillwater Cove. Here is the link if you'd like to learn  more about it: http://www.sonoma-county.org/parks/pk_stwtr.htm

And if you'd like to see Frank Vaskelis' photo of a green flash shared on this site, here is the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/04/28/the-green-flash-its-not-a-myth/

Wendy didn't see a green flash but Rick Denniston reported seeing a beautiful, two minute long green flash that night from his home in Gualala. Location, location, location!


Our dry weather continues on the Mendonoma Coast, as do the fabulous sunsets. There is something special about a winter sunset. DeAnn Steele photographed this one on Wednesday on the Jenner Grade.

And here is one I took the same evening, from my home in Anchor Bay

A bit of loveliness for you today!

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Anchor Bay Beach is a wonderful place to watch the sun begin to set. David Wayne Floyd did just that recently and look at what he saw. Beautiful! Thanks to David for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Anchor Bay Beach is accessed through the private Anchor Bay Campground. To learn more about the campground, here's their link: http://www.abcamp.com/. It is one of the jewels of the Mendocino Coast.
Gray Whales, two of them, were seen today heading south, according to Adrian Bennett. Tomorrow I will share two edible mushrooms that just made an appearance on the Mendonoma Coast!


Just when it seems like the sunsets couldn't get any more beautiful, last night's proved we were wrong. Robert Scarola captured the sunset in all its glory and I thank him for allowing me to share it with you here.

We had some overnight rain, so perhaps the wild mushrooms will begin to pop. One Gray Whale was seen heading south from the Gualala Bluff Trail yesterday. And this morning there were rainbows...you know you are going to have a good day when you start if off with rainbows!