Tag Archives: beautiful sunset


Storms have been hitting the Mendonoma Coast, with three more to go. Last night's sunset was spectacular and I photographed it so you could see it too.

Tomorrow I will be sharing photos of the Stengel Beach Public Access Trail and Waterfall on The Sea Ranch. Rick and I walked it on Thursday, one of the few clear days this week. I'll give you a hint - it's beautiful!

One storm after another has hit the Mendonoma Coast. And it turned very cold over the weekend. The barometric pressure was extremely low, 29.37 inches, and cell after cell of unstable air roiled over the ocean and coast. It sure made for a beautiful sunset last night.

I dedicate this photo to my sister-in-law, Gail Jackson, who loves the sunset pictures posted here the most.

To see one of the many beautiful sunset photos on this site, here's the link to a sunset from Cook's Beach: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/07/12/inspiring-sunset-at-cooks-beach/

Today has been a day full of rainbows. I will share one with you tomorrow - something, perhaps, to brighten your Monday.

Winter sunsets are the best! Carolyn André recently photographed a beautiful, golden sunset from The Sea Ranch.

Thanks to Carolyn for allowing me to share her photo with you here!

There are many beautiful sunset pictures posted on this blog. Here's a link to one at Gualala Point Regional Park: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/08/01/beautiful-sunset-at-gualala-point-regional-park/

It's no secret we've had a fairly dry winter - at least so far! Last night we had a beautiful sunset, which was accented by a very short green flash. Here's a photo just before the sun set, taken from our deck in Anchor Bay.

Today we are enjoying spring-like weather. Wildflowers are beginning to bloom in the forest. Redwood Sorrel, Oxalis oregana, has just begun to bloom. The leaves are purple underneath and they close if the sun hits them. Yes, they love the shady forest where they reside

In the top of this photo you can see the distinctive, splotchy leaves of a Fetid Adder's Tongue.

And I'm happy to report that the northward migration of Gray Whales has begun. On Sunday five Grays were seen, two of which were Calves. Hooray for our Gray Whales!

Even inside my home in Anchor Bay, one-half mile away, I can hear the roar of the Pacific Ocean. Huge swells are hitting the Mendonoma Coast and the crashing waves create a salty mist that drifts across Highway One. The swells are also creating some great surfing conditions.

Yesterday morning I photographed a nearly full moon in the western sky at sunrise. You can see the swells, one after the other. One friend described this as the ocean looking like corduroy.

 As Craig Tooley likes to say, the edges of the day are a great time for photography. Below is the setting sun shining on the ocean. It's a golden staircase to the unknown.

And what it looked like last night as the sun set into clouds. Beautiful, don't you think? No sunset is alike!