Tag Archives: beautiful sunset

On Jan. 19th Bettye Winters photographed the sunset from Irish Beach. Yes, there was a green flash. Bettye's photographs show you what to look for when hoping for a green flash.

 The horizon is clear and the sun appears to separate.

 When you see this separation you know you will see a green flash.

It's small but it's there. The tiny green dot. Thanks to Bettye for allowing me to share her photos with you here. To see a close up view of the green flash, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/02/07/the-green-flash-was-photographed-by-richard-kuehn/

The past several nights the sunsets on the Mendonoma Coast have been exquisite. Here are three different nights.

I love it when the sun shines like a spotlight through the clouds. It reminds me of the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."

One of the secrets of the Mendonoma Coast is the beautiful weather we usually have in between storms. Inland may be covered in dense fog while we bask in sunshine. Storms bring - or leave - magnificent sunsets. Allen Vinson photographed Thursday's sunset, which was sandwiched in between two storms.

Rick and I always try to watch the sunset. If the horizon is clear there is a chance for a green flash. It doesn't happen often but when it does it is thrilling. To see a photo of a green flash taken here on the Coast by Allen, here is the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/10/04/sundays-green-flash-as-photographed-by-allen-vinson/

My thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his beautiful sunset photo with you here.

The sunset Friday night was especially lovely. I took this photo from our front deck in Anchor Bay.

 And here is the last full moon that shone over the Mendonoma Coast on Nov. 26th.

Thanks to Rob for allowing me to share his full moon photo with you here.

The weather warnings sound ominous, with many inches of rain forecast to fall in the days to come. Eight to fifteen inches of rain? It's hard to wrap one's head around it. Up until today we have had wonderful weather with many beautiful sunsets. Here's a recent one I took from our deck in Anchor Bay.

Last Friday the horizon was clear and there was a beautiful green flash at sunset. To see one of the photos of a green flash on this site, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/02/07/the-green-flash-was-photographed-by-richard-kuehn/

And to see a green flash that turned into blue and then violet, here's a very rare photo taken by Ron LeValley: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/08/10/a-green-flash-that-turned-into-something-more-as-photographed-by-coastal-photographer-ron-levalley/