And the hits just keep on coming - one beautiful sunrise followed by a spectacular sunset. Paul Brewer was out photographing them. Here is the sunrise of Nov. 4th. And here is the sunset the night before, taken from the Gualala Bluff Trail with the sunset reflected in the Gualala River.
The Gualala Bluff Trail is a perfect place to watch the sunset. There are two public access points. The first is just to the south of the Breakers Inn and the second is the driveway/entrance to the Surf Motel. Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share these visions of loveliness. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website:
Tag Archives: beautiful sunset
Last night’s sunset was spectacular!
October sunsets on the Mendonoma Coast are to be savored. Paul Brewer photographed last night's magnificent sunset.
The color didn't last long but Paul's photo will help us relive it.
Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is the link to his website:
The sunsets have been so very lovely lately.
We have had some beautiful sunsets over the past several days and one green flash that Rick and I saw. It was quick but glowed a beautiful emerald-green. Karen Tracy recently photographed a sunset at Cook's Beach, the very popular public access just north of Gualala.
To learn more about our new public access spots, here is the link to the Redwood Coast Land Conservancy: The fine people at RCLC are doing such wonderful work to bring us access to these beautiful places where we can see a sunset like this one.
Thanks to Karen for allowing me to share her photo with you here.
Last night’s sunset had the horizon filled with vibrant colors.
We have had a lot of fog here on the Mendonoma Coast and haven't seen many sunsets this past week. But last night the fog lifted. With monsoonal clouds overhead the sky was alive with color. Gary Levenson-Palmer took these photos.
It was amazing to see the sky and ocean change colors with this sunset. Thanks to Gary for allowing me to share his photos with you here.