Tag Archives: beautiful sunset

Joan Hoffman photographed this serene scene.

Sunset at Arena Cove by Joan Hoffman

You can see the fishing boats at rest in Arena Cove. The land to the right is the southern portion of the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands.

Thanks to Joan for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Many were photographing last night's sunset, or simply watching it with great pleasure. It's a boon to be able to take the time to watch a beautiful sunset. Richard Hansen photographed it from his home in Gualala so you can see it too.

Gualala Sunset 9.5.15 by Richard Hansen

Richard also photographed this morning's sunrise.

Gualala Sunrise 9.6.15 looking west by Richard Hansen

There is no fog to be seen, and only the gentlest of breezes. This final holiday weekend of the summer season is turning out to be magnificent. I won't even mention the sparkling night sky.

Thanks to Richard for allowing me to share his photos with you here.


Allen Vinson has a knack for taking beautiful and sometimes funny photos. Here is a gorgeous sunset photo taken from his home.

Beautiful sunset by Allen Vinson

The Sea Ranch Art Tour is this weekend - Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 10 am to 5 pm. Here is the link to get directions to Allen's house: http://thesearancharttour.com/project/vinson/

Allen captured this recent Barn Swallow photo. The chick on the right apparently isn't hungry!

Barn Swallow chicks - maybe the one of the right isn't hungry, by Allen Vinson

To see much more of Allen's photos, here is the link to his website: http://allenvinson.smugmug.com/

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photos with you here.



Paul Brewer has a knack for taking beautiful photos. Here are two photos of a recent sunset. The first shows the Serge, a ceremonial hitching post, with the Pacific Ocean beyond.

Sunset and the Serge 8-10-2015 by Paul Brewer Sunset and the Gualala River 8-10-2015 by Paul Brewer

The second photo shows the Gualala River, which is currently blocked off from the Pacific Ocean by a big sandbar. It won't open until enough rain has fallen, usually sometime in the fall.

To learn more about this wonderful park, and about the Serge, here is the link: http://parks.sonomacounty.ca.gov/Get_Outdoors/Parks/Gualala_Point_Regional_Park.aspx

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is the link to his website: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/