Tag Archives: beautiful sunrise

Peggy Berryhill recently experienced a beautiful sunrise.

Several minutes later this vertical rainbow appeared. I haven't seen anything quite like it. Perhaps you know what this phenomenon is?

I thank Peggy for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

As Craig Tooley put it, the edges of the day are some of the most beautiful. This was how it looked on The Sea Ranch yesterday morning. Perhaps you might consider this an early holiday present.

To see more of Craig's work, here's the link to his web site: http://ruffimage.com/

The great Gray Whale migration continues with several pods seen yesterday. We have had little rain and the Pacific Ocean has been rather calm. That seems to be changing as the ocean is speaking of changes to come.

I wasn't the only one to photograph this morning's beautiful sunrise. Allen Vinson sent along a photo he took on The Sea Ranch. You can compare it with the one I took from our home in Anchor Bay, which is about seven miles north of Allen's home. First is Allen's photo.

And as if the lovely sunrise wasn't enough of a gift from Mother Nature, Rick and I found this Queen Bolete, Boletus aereus, near a path on our property. It is one of our favorite edible wild mushrooms.

Rick and I try and watch the sunset every night. We had hopes for a green flash last night but we were stuck with a lovely sunset instead. Let's face it - it always pays to watch a sunset!

And a few minutes after the sun has set.
And this morning's sunrise looked like a watercolor painting with the nearly full moon in the sky.