Tag Archives: beautiful sunrise

Two mornings in a row the sunrise was spectacular. I've already shared Carolyn André's series of photos of November 16th. Here are several more. Robert Scarola took this photo on November 16th of the sunrise in the east.

Sunrise 11-16-2014 by Robert Scarola

Paul Brewer took this photo the same morning from a different perspective.

Another beautiful Sunrise-Nov. 16-14 by Paul Brewer

And finally Richard Hansen captured this lovely sunrise the next day showing Castle Rock. For a few minutes the Pacific Ocean looked purple.

November 17 sunrise by Richard Hansen

Thanks to Robert, Paul and Richard for allowing me to share these visions of loveliness. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/


Before clouds rolled in, the sunrise this morning was amazing. Carolyn André was up early, and she sent along these beautiful photos of the sunrise from The Sea Ranch.

Awesome sunrise 11.16.14 by Carolyn André Sunrise evolves by Carolyn AndréSunrise 11.16.14 by Carolyn AndréA pastel painting sunrise by Carolyn AndréJust lovely!

Thanks to Carolyn for allowing me to share her photos with you here.


And the hits just keep on coming - one beautiful sunrise followed by a spectacular sunset. Paul Brewer was out photographing them. Here is the sunrise of Nov. 4th. Gualala Sunrise 11.14.13 by Paul Brewer And here is the sunset the night before, taken from the Gualala Bluff Trail with the sunset reflected in the Gualala River. Sunset from the Gualala Bluff Trail by Paul Brewer The Gualala Bluff Trail is a perfect place to watch the sunset. There are two public access points. The first is just to the south of the Breakers Inn and the second is the driveway/entrance to the Surf Motel. Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share these visions of loveliness. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/

I was astonished at this morning's sunrise. The sky was tinted in mauves and pinks, and the Pacific Ocean appeared purple. I needed to change the lens on my camera to get a photo, but by the time I did so the unusual colors were gone. Not to fear - Richard Hansen to the rescue.

Beautiful sunrise by Richard Hansen

Isn't it beautiful? Sunrises like this special one are gifts for waking up early!

Thanks to Richard for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

When the sunrise in the east is reflected in clouds and the ocean, it can be amazing. That's what happened this morning. It doesn't last long, just a few minutes. Here's a photo taken from our deck in Anchor Bay. Notice that the ocean is glowing pink!

Richard Hansen took this one from his home in Gualala, which overlooks Castle Rock.

And Rich Kuehn photographed this morning's sunrise from his home on The Sea Ranch.

What a beautiful sunrise, a gift from Mother Nature! Thanks to Richard and Rich for allowing me to share their photos with you here.