Tag Archives: beautiful sunrise

Paul Brewer has a knack for photographing beautiful sunrises. I'm happy to share his photo of this morning's loveliness.

Beautiful Sunrise-12-27-15-2253 by Paul BrewerUnlike sunsets, the colors of sunrises are fleeting.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/

Marcelia Fosse took this photo on Thanksgiving morning, another reason to be grateful.

Thanksgiving sunrise by Marcelia Fosse

We had another wild storm hit the Mendonoma Coast last night. The seasonal creek that crosses our property, Quinliven Creek, has just come to life, always a reason to celebrate!

Thanks to Marcelia for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Don Spear was up early to photograph planets in the night sky. When the sunrise came, he was rewarded with this photo.

Friday morning's beautiful sunrise by Don Spear

Just magnificent! Thanks to Don for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Many were photographing last night's sunset, or simply watching it with great pleasure. It's a boon to be able to take the time to watch a beautiful sunset. Richard Hansen photographed it from his home in Gualala so you can see it too.

Gualala Sunset 9.5.15 by Richard Hansen

Richard also photographed this morning's sunrise.

Gualala Sunrise 9.6.15 looking west by Richard Hansen

There is no fog to be seen, and only the gentlest of breezes. This final holiday weekend of the summer season is turning out to be magnificent. I won't even mention the sparkling night sky.

Thanks to Richard for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

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Don Spear photographed this beautiful sunrise here on the Mendonoma Coast.

Dramatic sunrise by Don Spear

It almost looks like a scene from Close Encounters of the Third Kind!

Thanks to Don for allowing me to share this photo with you here.