Tag Archives: beautiful sunrise

Seeing a beautiful sunrise is a gift for getting up early. Last Saturday's was sunrise so beautiful I could hardly believe my eyes.

The pinks and mauves were reflected in the Pacific Ocean. And the colors were on top of me and behind me, too. Sunny, our golden retriever, joined me on the deck, and these colors reflected on his fur.  It was hard to take it all in! Here's a video I took of the sunrise.

Saturday's sunrise by Jeanne Jackson

And a short video of the sunrise looking to the east, behind a stand of Redwood and Bishop Pine trees.

Saturday's sunrise through the trees by Jeanne Jackson

It was a sunrise to be remembered. Perhaps by my sharing this photo and these videos, you can experience some of it too!

Sometimes when I look out our windows I almost can't believe what I'm seeing. That's how I felt this morning at the stunning sunrise.

If you look closely, you will see the lights of a fishing boat out near the horizon. The colors of this sunrise only lasted for a few minutes. But isn't it beautiful? I love how the Pacific Ocean glows with the reflected colors.

A while later this morning fog enveloped our house. You just never know what will happen next on the Mendonoma Coast!

On Valentine's Day, Paul Brewer photographed this lovely scene.

The colors of sunrises are so fleeting, but can be so very beautiful.

A storm is approaching the coast. Yesterday we had sunny, warm weather, a balm after all the rain. But we have a storm coming in late tonight. Saturday is predicted to be rainy. Well, it's still winter, after all!

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is the link to his website: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/

Paul Brewer is back on the Mendonoma Coast from his holiday travels. He came back just in time to photograph this morning's beautiful sunrise.

I photographed it too, though my view has trees in the way towards the south. The pinks and purples seen through the trees was dramatic too, and the ocean appeared a deep purple for a few minutes as you see in Paul's photo.

Sunrises are so fleeting. They are often the reward for getting up early, something I do regularly.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's  nature photography, here is his website: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/

We are receiving lots of weather warnings in advance of several "juicy" storms. It will be an interesting seven to ten days of LOTS of rain. Here on the Mendonoma coast we are battening down the hatches!

Last night's sunset was incredibly beautiful.

Sunset 62016 by Jeanne JacksonAnd this morning's sunset was so lovely with the setting full moon.

Sunrise 62116 by Jeanne JacksonThese photos were taken by me from our front deck in Anchor Bay. Happy Summer Solstice to all!