Tag Archives: beautiful photo

I'll let Anne Mary Schaefer tell the story. She wrote,

“I was just feeding my wee beasties Friday evening when I heard her high hunting keening cry, and saw that the sun was about to set. I grabbed my camera and ran outside, scanning the western sky over Manchester State Beach campground. Nada.

“I was just about to go inside when she came swooping right over my head, turned on her wing, and the last sunlight hit her breast. She disappeared into a tree top, where a whole flock of little birds were quite indignant at being suddenly ousted.”

Red-tailed Hawk by Anne Marie Schaefer

Isn't this a glorious photo? I thank Anne Mary for allowing me to share it with  you here.

To hear the calls of a Red-tailed Hawk, here is the link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Red-tailed_Hawk/sounds

Craig Tooley captured this photo of the striking bluffs at The Sea Ranch. It almost looks like a painting!

We had a good, soaking rainstorm earlier this week. 2.6 inches at our house. Now warm weather has swept in. With no clouds on the horizon last night, Rick and I saw a green flash at sunset. It looks like tonight will be another chance to see one.

We are waiting to see if there will be a Boletus edulis bloom. We are wishing and hoping for one.

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his beautiful photo with you here. To see much more of Craig's photography, here is his website: www.ruffimage.com

Today the fog has rolled in and it is cold on the Coast. But just a few days ago it was magnificent. Carolyn André took this photo on her way back up Highway 1. It's not photoshopped, Carolyn says. And I believe her!

I took this photo of the sunrise yesterday. The nearly full moon, the Hunter's moon, has yet to set. You can see the fog draped over the trees and covering the ocean.

Thanks to Carolyn for allowing me to share her photograph with you here.

Tom Landecker was flying over Gualala when he saw this sight. He turned his airplane around so he could get this photo.

You can see the sun was about a half hour or so from setting. The tops of the trees are draped with individual clouds of fog. Quite an amazing sight.

Thanks to Tom for allowing me to share this beautiful photo with you here.

Ron LeValley photographed a pair of Water Striders mating on a pond. Look closely at the surface tension of the water - trees are reflected.

Water Striders are bugs that can literally walk on water. They eat insects on the surface of the water.

Beauty surrounds us if we but pause to notice. Lucky for us that Ron has allowed me to share his photo here. To see much more of  Ron's photography, here is his website: http://www.levalleyphoto.com/home/