Tag Archives: beautiful photo

Song K Hunter captured this beautiful sight near Fort Ross - rising sun, clouds overhead and fog.

I hope you enjoy this moment of beauty, just for you today!

Thanks to Song for allowing me to share it with you here.

Satori Ivy captured this photo of the Point Arena Lighthouse. Holiday lights, wrapped around the Tower, are reflected in the Pacific Ocean - just beautiful.

I thank Satori for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

To learn more about our favorite lighthouse, and the accommodations available, here is the link: http://pointarenalighthouse.com/

Chris Beach got this wonderful photo of the juvenile Tundra Swan as it flapped its wings in the Gualala River.

The swan hasn't been seen for a few days, so perhaps he/she has moved on. Mel Smith told me he saw the swan flying northward late last week.

We've had visits from mature Bald Eagles recently. I'll be posting about them soon.

Thanks to Chris for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

The first fawns have been born and they are so very cute. I will share a photo of some soon. Today I want to show you Bucks with their growing antlers covered in velvet. Jon Loveless photographed two Bucks preening each other.

Two Bucks preening each other in a meadow by Jon Loveless

It's a peace on earth moment. Later when these two Bucks might be competing for Does, they won't be so friendly.

Michael Beattie also photographed Bucks near Point Arena on a spectacular day. The lupine bush in the middle is just about to bloom.

Bucks in velvet by Michael Beattie

Thanks to Jon and Michael for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

This morning, after a nice rainstorm, a few remaining storm clouds were seen. A short rainbow appeared for a few minutes. I watched it but Susan Routledge-Jackson photographed it, with Fish Rocks seemingly the rainbow's end. A lovely photo for you today.

Fish Rocks and a rainbow by Susan Routledge-Jackson

Thanks to Susan for allowing me to share her photo with you here. To see Susan's beautiful artwork, here is her website:  www.seroutledge.com