Tag Archives: Bald Eagle

The two Bald Eagles, presumably the two who were here last winter and spring, have returned. Mike Wilson photographed one recently by the Gualala River.

We hope this coming year that they will build a nest and start a family right here in Gualala. Bald Eagles are expanding their territory northward along the coast. In Jenner, a mated pair raised a chick last spring. A Bald Eagle has been seen to our north near Little River. It's thrilling to see them here again. Their numbers were decimated by the chemical DDT, which made the shells of their eggs so thin that they broke when the mother sat on them. With the phase out of DDT in 1972, eagles, brown pelicans, peregrine falcons and ospreys began their recovery. It took decades, but their numbers have increased. We are privileged to see all of these birds here on the Mendonoma coast.

Thanks to Mike for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Our skies are blue today as the smoke from the Butte County fires is going south of us. The first blue skies we've seen since one week ago.

Eric Zetterholm spotted one of the two Bald Eagles who have been seen for months at the mouth of the Gualala River.

We didn't see any sign of nest building from the mated pair. Maybe next year. They certainly "practiced" mating a lot this spring!

Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Frank Coster has taken some incredible photos of the two Jenner Bald Eagles. I love this one with the eagle about to catch his or her dinner.

To see more of Frank's nature photography, he shares them on his Facebook page at this link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100013869702560&fref=search

And thanks to Frank for allowing me to share this photo with you here. He took some great photos of a Gray Whale and her calf a couple of days ago. I'll be sharing them here soon.

Chris Beach photographed the action at the mouth of the Gualala River recently. A small group of Harbor Seals had a big Steelhead. One of the two mated Bald Eagles seen at the river tried to steal it away.

The Bald Eagle was not successful...this time!

Thanks to Chris for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Desiree Palestrini recently photographed the wonderful sight of a mature Bald Eagle flying overhead, over the hamlet of Anchor Bay.

Her photo shows the snowy-white tail and head, which tells you that this eagle is mature. We have a mated pair near the mouth of the Gualala River. They have been seen mating. We hope they will nest here, an exciting development in the recovery of these majestic birds.

Thanks to Desiree for allowing me to share her photo with you here.